Saturday, March 15, 2014

Downloading YouTube Videos in Ubuntu 13.04

YouTube is the world famous and largest video sharing sites. We spend our day watching any type of videos in YouTube. We have fun watching videos and sharing videos via sending YouTube video links.What if we want to watch that same video on our home where we may not have internet connection or have a slow internet connection. Then, downloading your video is only the option you have. Downloading YouTube videos has never been easy for Windows Operating System because many software and freewares are made for downloading YouTube videos but for Linux there are rare. What if you are a Linux users ? Don't worry about that. Today i will show you how to download a YouTube Videos in Linux. I am using Ubuntu 13.04 ( 32 bit ). We will be using a "youtube-dl" package for downloading.

I will be showing you in steps :

1) Open your terminal. (Alt + Ctrl + T)  and type :  apt-get install youtube-dl

2) When you finish installing the package then you are ready. Then go to your favorite YouTube video link then copy it and go the terminal and type youtube-dl (your YouTube video Link )  and hit enter.

example :  youtube-dl

And you can find the downloaded video in your "Home Folder".


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